Card List
- Card Name Type Set $ Ability Text Energon Ability
Nightbird Ally A Rising Darkness 3 Start of Turn: You may steal 1 Energon from target player with 3+ Energon.
Shawn Berger Ally A Rising Darkness 3 Start of Turn: You may discard 1 card, then draw 1 card.
Facsimile Constructs Ally A Rising Darkness 4 Ongoing: +1 Power (Range 0) on your turn for each other Ally in play (including those controlled by other players).
Marissa Faireborn Ally A Rising Darkness 4 Start of Turn: If you have 0 Energon, gain 2 Energon.
Doctor Arkeville Ally A Rising Darkness 5 Ongoing: Pay 2 Power to buy Technology. Each Technology you play has +1 Power.
The Machination Ally A Rising Darkness 5 Ongoing: Pay 2 less Power to buy or defeat Robots in the Matrix.
Kyle Pennington Ally Autobot Core Set 2 Ongoing: Once during each player's turn, if you are Confronting or Assisting, target card you control has +1 Power.
Military Transport Ally Autobot Core Set 2 Ongoing: Move 1 during your turn.
Military Airstrike Ally Autobot Core Set 3 Start of Turn: You may destroy 1 card in your hand.
Sparkplug Witwicky Ally Autobot Core Set 3 Start of Turn: Put 1 Starter from your discard pile into your hand.
Verity Carlo Ally Autobot Core Set 4 Start of Turn: You may discard your hand and draw 4 cards.
Spike Witwicky Ally Autobot Core Set 5 Ongoing: The first Courage you play during your turn has +2 Power.
Sharkticons Ally Chaos Unleashed 3
Wreck-Gar Ally Chaos Unleashed 4
Skuxxoids Ally Chaos Unleashed 5
Carly Witwicky Ally Dawn of the Dinobots 3 Ongoing: You spend 1 fewer Energon to activated Energon abilities that cost 2 ore more.
Ammonites Ally Dawn of the Dinobots 4 Start of Turn: You may choose a target character within Range 1 to resolve an Ambush. If the Ambush is Blocked, discard this card and gain 1 Damage.
Daniel Witwicky Ally Dawn of the Dinobots 4 Ongoing: The first Robot you play during each player's turn has +1 Power. If this card is discarded from play, draw 1 card.
Insecticon Clones Ally Dawn of the Dinobots 5 Ongoing: Target card you control has +1 Power for each Robot you choose to reveal in your Vault. If you gained 2+ Power this turn with this Ally's ability, discard this card.
Doubledealer Ally Infiltration Protocol 3 Ongoing: You may defeat non-Adversary Robots and buy Adversary Robots. Players may steal this card from you during their turn by spending 4 Power.
Local Resistance Fighters Ally Infiltration Protocol 3 Ongoing: You may use this as your Assist during a battle. If you do, discard this card at the end of the battle. Assist: 2 Power at Range 1. This Assist remains faceup and always resolves first.
Garnak Ally Infiltration Protocol 4 Ongoing: You may discard this card to Block an Attack against any character in the Matrix. When a Boss Reveal Attack would cause this Ally to be discarded, keep it in play instead.
Mayhem Ally Infiltration Protocol 4 Ongoing - 1: Play the top card of your deck.
Reapers Ally Infiltration Protocol 5 Ongoing - Gain 1 Damage and discard this card: You pay 3 less Power to battle an Adversary during your turn.
Mercenaries Ally War on Cybertron 3 Pay 1 Energon: When battling during your turn, target card you control has +2 Power. Pay 2 Energon: During your turn, Attack (choose 1 option): Target player discards 1 random Mission they control OR 1 random card in hand.
Spy Network Ally War on Cybertron 3 Start of Turn: Peek at 1 card in the Matrix, then you may flip it faceup or leave it. If it's a Scheme or Polity, you must flip it faceup. Ongoing: When you move onto a space occupied by an Adversary character, you may peek at that player's hand.
Guardians Ally War on Cybertron 4 Ongoing: Your cards in hand that cost 4+ have Block. When you would discard a Block to avoid an Attack during your turn, you may choose to discard this Ally instead. (You must reveal the card that would have been discarded.)
M.T.O. Ally War on Cybertron 5 Start of Turn: You may discard 1 card, then draw 1 or 2 cards. If you draw 2 cards with this ability, discard this Ally.
Rust Giant Ally - Robot Clash of the Combiners 3 When battling during your turn, you may pay 1 Energon to play the top card of your deck. If you do this during a Confrontation, discard this card.
Mistress of Flame Ally - Robot Clash of the Combiners 4 Target Robot you control during your turn has +1 Power. Discard this card: Target Robot you control has +4 Power instead.
Decimus Ally - Robot War on Cybertron 4 Start of Turn: You may discard up to 2 cards (each with 1+ Power) to gain Energon equal to their total Power. If you discard 2 cards using this ability, also discard this Ally.
Alpha Trion Ally - Robot War on Cybertron 5 Start of Turn: If you are on a Polity your faction commands, draw 1 card. Ongoing: You pay 2 less Power to buy Relics.
Omega Supreme Autobot Boss A Rising Darkness 10 Reveal Attack: Discard each Ally you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: Flight movement (diagonal) cannot be performed. When you move onto this card or a space adjacent to this card, gain 1 Damage.
Optimus Prime Autobot Boss A Rising Darkness 10 Reveal Attack: Discard each Ally you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Draw and resolve an Ambush.
Arcee Autobot Boss A Rising Darkness 6 Reveal Attack: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck and discard each one with cost 2+. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: Cards played by Adversary players have Range 0 (not just the active player).
Bumblebee Autobot Boss A Rising Darkness 6 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 card. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage.
Ironhide Autobot Boss A Rising Darkness 8 Reveal Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Discard 1 Ally you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Discard 1 Starter card.
Prowl Autobot Boss A Rising Darkness 8 Reveal Attack: Lose 1 VP for each Autobot Initiative in the Matrix. If none, gain 1 Damage. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Lose 1 VP if you control 1+ Damage. If you control no Damage, gain 1 Damage instead.
Rodimus Prime Autobot Boss Chaos Unleashed 10
Perceptor Autobot Boss Chaos Unleashed 6
Kup Autobot Boss Chaos Unleashed 8
Optimus Maximus Autobot Boss Clash of the Combiners 10 Reveal Attack: Discard all Allies you control and gain 1 Damage, then discard 1 Starter. Ongoing: You cannot play a card with the same card type as another card you played this turn, except for Starters and Damage.
Volcanicus Autobot Boss Clash of the Combiners 12 Reveal Attack: Discard all Allies you control, then gain 2 Damage. Start of Turn: All Adversary characters in this space gain 1 Damage. Ongoing: Volcanicus costs 1 more Power to defeat for each Adversary character not in this space.
Chromia Autobot Boss Clash of the Combiners 6 Reveal Attack: Gain 1 Damage. If you are in this space, gain 2 Damage instead. Ongoing: Cards adjacent to this card cost 2 more Power to buy or defeat. You cannot Block attacks from Ambushes.
Thunderclash Autobot Boss Clash of the Combiners 8 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 non-Starter, non-Basic card. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: Energon abilities cost +1 Energon to activate.
Grimlock Autobot Boss Dawn of the Dinobots 10 Reveal Attack: Discard all Allies you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: The first time you play a Robot during your turn, resolve an Ambush. Dinobots cost 2 more Power to defeat.
Fortress Maximus Autobot Boss Dawn of the Dinobots 12 Reveal Attack: Adversaries in this space gain 1 Damage and must move to an adjacent space. Then resolve and Ambush. [Ongoing;] Adversaries cannot enter this space. Autobots on this space cannot gain Damage or play Assists.
Slash Autobot Boss Dawn of the Dinobots 6 Reveal Attack: Resolve an Ambush (this attack and the Ambush effect cannot be Blocked). Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage.
Sky Lynx Autobot Boss Dawn of the Dinobots 8 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 card with Move. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: You cannot battle Robots in your space. Pay 2 additional Move to move onto a Boss.
Impactor Autobot Boss Infiltration Protocol 10 Reveal Attack: Reveal your hand and discard all revealed Starter cards. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Discard 1 card for each Autobot Robot in the Matrix (max 3). If none, gain 1 Damage.
Roadbuster Autobot Boss Infiltration Protocol 6 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 Ally you control, then gain 1 Damage. Adversary players who didn't discard an Ally this way resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: Draw 1 fewer card at the end of your turn.
Broadside Autobot Boss Infiltration Protocol 8 Reveal Attack: Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck and discard all revealed Decepticons. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: If you have 2+ Energon, gain 1 Damage. If you have 4+ Energon, gain 2 Damage instead.
Superion Autobot Boss War on Cybertron 10 Reveal Attack: Discard all Allies you control, then discard 1 card for each Aerialbot in the Matrix. Start of Turn: Discard 1 card with Flight. If you have none, gain 2 Damage instead.
Ultra Magnus Autobot Boss War on Cybertron 10 Reveal Attack: Gain 1 Damage for every 2 Adversary Robots or Bosses in the Matrix. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: Other Adversaries cost 2 more Power to defeat and Polities cost 1 more Power to command.
Blaster Autobot Boss War on Cybertron 6 Reveal Attack: Gain 1 Damage. If this is a Mini-Cassette in the Matrix, also discard 1 card. Ongoing: Adversary Robots cost 1 more Power to defeat and give no reward when defeated.
Blurr Autobot Boss War on Cybertron 6 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 card with Move. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Swap Blurr with an adjacent non-Site card not occupied by an Adversary character. Ongoing: Your Alt Mode has -1 Move.
Springer Autobot Boss War on Cybertron 8 Reveal Attack: Flip (not Convert) your character card to another Mode and lose 1 Energon. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Discard the top card of your deck. Ongoing: Pay +1 Energon to Convert.
Windblade Autobot Boss War on Cybertron 8 Reveal Attack: Move to an adjacent space not occupied by this Boss, then gain 1 Damage. Start of Turn: Discard 1 card, then every Decepticon character on or adjacent to this card must resolve an Ambush.
Let's Even the Odds Autobot Initiative A Rising Darkness Ongoing: You pay 1 more Power to defeat Adversaries for each player in the game. When you place a legal Assist, gain 1 VP. To Thwart: If every non-active player placed a legal Assist this battle, thwart after this battle concludes.
Not So Fast! Autobot Initiative A Rising Darkness Ongoing: Non-Starter cards you play have 0 Move. To Thwart: Defeat an Autobot Robot or Boss with cost 4+.
Robots in Disguise Autobot Initiative A Rising Darkness Start of Turn: Flip all Robots in the Matrix facedown. To Thwart: Defeat or buy a Robot in a space adjacent this card.
Running on Empty Autobot Initiative A Rising Darkness Ongoing: Players cannot gain or spend Energon. To Thwart: Contribute 4 cards with cost 3+. For each card you contribute, gain 1 VP.
Skywatch Alliance Autobot Initiative A Rising Darkness Start of Turn: Discard 1 Robot from your hand. If none, gain 1 Damage instead. To Thwart: Contribute 4 different Starters. For each card you contribute, gain 1 VP ofr every non-Wrath card under this.
This Time We Hit Back Autobot Initiative A Rising Darkness Ongoing: When you defeat an Autobot, draw and resolve an Ambush. To Thwart: Block the Ambush triggered for this card.
Tyrest Accord Violation Autobot Initiative A Rising Darkness Ongoing: Robots you play are blank except for Move. While in this space, you may destroy 1 Robot you control. To Thwart: Destroy 1 Robot you control.
Halonix Maximus Autobot Initiative Dawn of the Dinobots On Reveal: Each player destroys 1 Ally. Ongoing: Technology cards you play have no inherent Power. To Thwart: Contribute 3 Technology cards of different costs. For each that you contribute, gain 1 VP.
Wreck and Rule! Autobot Initiative Infiltration Protocol Ongoing: When an Adversary is defeated, place a '+1 Power' token on each remaining Adversary in the Matrix. Their cost is increased by this amount. To Thwart: Defeat an Adversary with at least 2 '+1 Power' tokens on it.
Damage Basic A Rising Darkness 0 Ongoing: When battling an Adversary, you must resolve 1 Assist. End of Game: For every 2 Damage you control, lose 1 VP.
Damage - Short Circuit Basic A Rising Darkness 0 On your turn, play this card before any other card in your hand. -1 Power when battling Adversaries this turn. End of Game: For every 2 Damage you own, lose 1 VP.
Rise Up! Basic A Rising Darkness 2 1 1 1 Flight You may Convert.
Damage Basic Autobot Core Set 0 Ongoing: When battling an Adversary, you must resolve 1 Assist. End of Game: For every 2 Damage you control, lose 1 VP.
Roll Out! Basic Autobot Core Set 2 1 1 1 You may Convert. Assist: +1 Power.
Damage - Fear Basic Chaos Unleashed 0 On your turn, play this card before any other card in your hand. You cannot move onto a Boss this turn. End of Game: For every 2 Damage you own, lose 1 VP.
Damage - Overclocked Basic Clash of the Combiners 0 Ongoing - Start of Turn: If you are in Bot Mode, discard 1 non-Damage card (does not stack). End of Game: For every 2 Damage you own, lose 1 VP.
Damage - Stasis Lock Basic Dawn of the Dinobots 0 On your turn, play this card before any other card in your hand. You cannot spend Energon this turn. End of Game: For every 2 Damage you own, lose 1 VP.
Damage - T-Cog Jam Basic Infiltration Protocol 0 On your turn, play this card before any other card in your hand. You cannot Convert. End of Game: For every 2 Damage you own, lose 1 VP.
Damage - Blast Wound Basic War on Cybertron 0 Ongoing: Your Assists have -1 Power for every 2 Damage you control. End of Game: For every 2 Damage you own, lose 1 VP.
Damage - Energy Leak Basic War on Cybertron 0 On your turn, play this card before any other card in your hand. Lose 1 Energon if you have 2 or more. End of Game: For every 2 Damage you own, lose 1 VP.
Reinforcements Basic War on Cybertron 2 1 1 1 Block You may Convert. 1 Command or Assist: +1 Power.
Megatron (Alt) Character - Autobot A Rising Darkness 1
Megatron (Bot) Character - Autobot A Rising Darkness
Arcee (Alt) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set 3
Arcee (Bot) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set
Bumblebee (Alt) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2
Bumblebee (Bot) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set
Ironhide (Alt) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2 The first time you Convert to Bot mode this turn, +1 Power. When battling Adversaries, +1 Power.
Ironhide (Bot) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set
Jazz (Alt) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2
Jazz (Bot) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set
Optimus Prime (Alt) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2
Optimus Prime (Bot) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set
Ratchet (Alt) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2
Ratchet (Bot) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set
Wheeljack (Alt) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2
Wheeljack (Bot) Character - Autobot Autobot Core Set
Blaster (Alt) Character - Autobot Chaos Unleashed Avoid Ambushes. You may discard 1 non-Basic card to move to an adjacent space. When battling Adversaries, -1 Power.
Blaster (Bot) Character - Autobot Chaos Unleashed Robot cards you play have +2 Range. Mini-Cassettes you play also have +1 Move. 1 Reduce the Power of target Robot controlled by any player by 1 or reduce the cost of a Boss in the Matrix by 1. Use duuring any player's turn. 2 Choose 1 card in your discard pile with cost 2-4 and play it. If it's a Mini-Cassette, it has +1 Power.
Blurr (Alt) Character - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 2 When your character would be moved to another space by any affect, or when you move onto a Site that triggers an effect, you may discard 1 non-Damage card to ignore the effect. While battling Adversaries, -1 Power.
Blurr (Bot) Character - Autobot Chaos Unleashed The first Maneuver you play during this turn has +2 Power or +2 Move. 1 Ignore Ambushes this turn (activate anytime). 2 Gain 1 Maneuver in the Matrix with cost 2-4.
Rodimus Prime (Alt) Character - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 2 When you move onto a Site, you may Convert. While battling Adversaries, -1 Power.
Rodimus Prime (Bot) Character - Autobot Chaos Unleashed Once during each of your turns, you may activate a 1-cost Energon ability on targget card you control at no cost. 1 Target character in your space may destroy 1 card in their discard pile. 2 Target characters in your space may draw 1 card.
Wreck-Gar (Alt) Character - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 2 The first time you Convert to Alt Mode each turn, you may place 1 card from your discard pile on top of your deck. While battling Adversaries, -1 Power.
Wreck-Gar (Bot) Character - Autobot Chaos Unleashed Start of Turn: You may discard 1 non-damage, non-Starter card to return 1 Damage you control or in your discard pile to the stack. 1 Your non-Starter, non-Basic cards in hand have Block this turn. 2 Gain 1 Robot or Technology card with cost 2-5 from the destroyed pile.
Computron (Combiner) Character - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 1 1 Start of Turn: Lose 1 Energon. If you cannot, flip this card to Team mode. Each Technology you play has +1 Power or +1 Range or +1 Move (your choice). 1 Don't discard cards in hand during your next End of Turn Phase. 2 Gain 1 Technology card in your space and put it into your hand or on top of your deck.
Computron (Team) Character - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 1 The next time you Convert this turn, lose 1 Energon (if any). You may access Team effects on your Starter cards.
Superion (Combiner) Character - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 1 1 Start of Turn: Lose 1 Energon. If you cannot, flip this card to Team mode. Target card you control with Flight has +2 Power when battling. 1 +2 Power (Range 0) 2 Draw 2 cards. Play 1 and discard the other.
Superion (Team) Character - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 1 The next time you Convert this turn, lose 1 Energon (if any). You may access Team effects on your Starter cards.
Victorion (Combiner) Character - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 1 2 Start of Turn: Lose 1 Energon. If you cannot, flip this card to Team mode. Adversary players pay 2 more Power to buy cards or battle Robots in or adjacent to your space. 1 Other characters in your space discard 1 non-Basic card or gain 1 Damage. 3 Gain 1 Relic in your space.
Victorion (Team) Character - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 1 The next time you Convert this turn, lose 1 Energon (if any). You may access Team effects on your Starter cards.
Grimlock (Alt) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 1
Grimlock (Bot) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots
Sludge (Alt) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 1
Sludge (Bot) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots
Slug (Alt) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 1
Slug (Bot) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots
Snarl (Alt) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 1
Snarl (Bot) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots
Swoop (Alt) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 2
Swoop (Bot) Character - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots
Bludgeon (Alt) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 1
Bludgeon (Bot) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol
Kup (Alt) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 2
Kup (Bot) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol
Perceptor (Alt) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol
Perceptor (Bot) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol
Springer (Alt) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 2
Springer (Alt) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 3
Springer (Bot) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol
Ultra Magnus (Alt) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 2
Ultra Magnus (Bot) Character - Autobot Infiltration Protocol Each time you activate an Energon ability on a card you control, that card has +1 Power. 2 Put 1 Robot in your space into your Vault. This is not defeating it. 2 Destroy 1 Robot in your Vault to gain power equal to its printed cost (Range 0).
Elita-1 (Alt) Character - Autobot War on Cybertron 3 Spend 2 Move: Draw 1 card. While battling Adversaries, -1 Power.
Elita-1 (Bot) Character - Autobot War on Cybertron When you buy or gain an Autobot, place it on top of your deck. 1 Target Autobot you control has +2 Power. 2 Target character in your space gains 1 Damage for each Autobot you control.
Hot Rod (Alt) Character - Autobot War on Cybertron 2 Discard 1 non-Damage card: You may Convert. While battling Adversaries, -1 Power.
Hot Rod (Bot) Character - Autobot War on Cybertron When you battle an Adversary in the same turn it was revealed, target card has +1 Power. 1 Confront: +2 Power. 2 Destroy up to 2 cards in your discard pile.
Optimus Prime (Alt) Character - Autobot War on Cybertron 2 When you move onto a faceup Adversary, you may Convert before the Ambus OR draw 1 card.
Optimus Prime (Bot) Character - Autobot War on Cybertron Command or Confront: +1 Power for each card you control with cost 3+. 1 Block an Attack against any character, anywhere in the Matrix. 2 Gain 1 VP or draw 2 cards while on a Polity under your command.
Prowl (Alt) Character - Autobot War on Cybertron 2 Pay 1 Move: Peek at the card in your space or the top card of any deck. While battling Adversaries, -1 Power.
Prowl (Bot) Character - Autobot War on Cybertron When battling, each Maneuver you control has +2 Power. 1 Draw 1 card or Mission, then replace it with another card in hand or Mission you control by placing it on top of that deck. 2 Gain 1 Maneuver in your space.
Astrotrain (Alt) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 1
Astrotrain (Alt) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 2
Astrotrain (Bot) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness
Scrapper (Alt) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 2
Scrapper (Bot) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness
Shrapnel (Alt) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 1
Shrapnel (Bot) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness
Soundwave (Alt) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 2
Soundwave (Bot) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness
Starscream (Alt) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 2
Starscream (Bot) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness
Thundercracker (Alt) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 2
Thundercracker (Bot) Character - Decepticon A Rising Darkness
Cyclonus (Alt) Character - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 2 Flight When you move, target character in your space may move with you.
Cyclonus (Bot) Character - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed You may activate this card's Energon abilities during any player's turn. If you do, draw 1 card, then discard 1 card. 1 Target card any player controls has +2 Range. 2 Target card you control has +2 Power when battling Adversaries.
Galvatron (Alt) Character - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed +2 Power (Range 1). This Power can only be used for battling. Robots you control have +1 Move.
Galvatron (Bot) Character - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed You may battle non-Adversary Robots. When these Robots are defeated, place them in your Vault or your discard pile, then end your turn. 1 Target Robot you control has +2 Power. 2 Conftront: +2 Power (Range 1).
Nemesis Prime (Alt) Character - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 2 When you flip an Adversary in your space faceup, gain 1 Energon and you may Convert prior to the Ambush. When battling Adversaries, -1 Power.
Nemesis Prime (Bot) Character - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed Each Autobot you play during your turn has +2 Power. 1 You may buy 1 Adversary Robot this turn instead of battling it. 2 Block an Attack against you (during any turn) and/or draw 1 card (during your turn).
Scourge (Alt) Character - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 2 Flight The next Maneuver with 2+ Move you play this turn has +1 Power.
Scourge (Bot) Character - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed Each time you play a non-Starter, non-Basic card, you may flip a card in your space faceup. 1 Peek at 1 card in the Matrix. If it's a Site, Boss, or Scheme, flip it faceup and you may Teleport to that space. 2 Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Play ` and discard the other.
Bruticus (Combiner) Character - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 2 1 Start of Turn: Lose 1 Energon. If you cannot, flip this to Team mode. Damage you control does not trigger the End of Game (unless Solo). 1 Return up to 2 Damage you control to the stack, or give 1 Damage to target player in your space. 2 Draw 1 Ruim and place it in an empty space in the Matrix. Gain the reward as though you cleared it.
Bruticus (Team) Character - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 1 The next time you Convert this turn, lose 1 Energon (if any). You may access Team effects on your Starter cards.
Menasor (Combiner) Character - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 1 Start of Turn: Lose 1 Energon. If you cannot, flip this to Team mode. You pay 3 less Power to defeat Robots. If its cost is 2-3, destroy it after gaining the reward. 1 Destroy 1 card you control or in your discard pile. 2 Gain 1 card with cost 2-5 from the destroyed pile.
Menasor (Team) Character - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 1 The next time you Convert this turn, lose 1 Energon (if any). You may access Team effects on your Starter cards.
Predaking (Combiner) Character - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 1 2 Start of Turn: Lose 1 Energon. If you cannot, flip this to Team mode. If you flip an Adversary faceup, +1 Power ad you avoid the Ambush (if any). 1 Peek at 2 adjacent cards. If either are an Adversary, you may flip it faceup. X +X Power (max 3).
Predaking (Team) Character - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 1 The next time you Convert this turn, lose 1 Energon (if any). You may access Team effects on your Starter cards.
Razorclaw (Alt) Character - Decepticon Dawn of the Dinobots 2
Razorclaw (Bot) Character - Decepticon Dawn of the Dinobots
Shockwave (Alt) Character - Decepticon Dawn of the Dinobots 3
Shockwave (Bot) Character - Decepticon Dawn of the Dinobots
Devastator (Combiner) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 1 Start of Turn: Lose 1 Energon. If you cannot, flip this card to Team mode. +2 Power (Range 0) during your turn. 1 Other characters in your space each gain 2 Damage. 2 Destroy a non-Boss card in your space, then gain a different card with cost 2-5 from the destroyed pile.
Devastator (Team) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 1
Onslaught (Alt) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 2
Onslaught (Bot) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol
Sixshot (Alt) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 1
Sixshot (Alt) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol
Sixshot (Alt) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 2
Sixshot (Alt) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 3
Sixshot (Alt) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 1
Sixshot (Bot) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol
Skywarp (Alt) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 2
Skywarp (Bot) Character - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol
Barricade (Alt) Character - Decepticon War on Cybertron 2 Adversary characters cannot buy a card in your space. Start of Turn: You may Convert. When battling Adversaries, -1 Power.
Barricade (Bot) Character - Decepticon War on Cybertron The first time you convert to Bot Mode during your turn, the card in your space costs 1 less Power to buy. 1 Reveal the top 2 cards of target player's deck. If either is a Starter, gain +2 Power (Range 0). 2 Gain 1 card from the destroyed pile that is cost 2-4.
Hun-Gurrr (Alt) Character - Decepticon War on Cybertron 1 The first time you Convert to Alt Mode this turn, you may give 1 Damage you control to target character in your space.
Hun-Gurrr (Bot) Character - Decepticon War on Cybertron When you clear a Ruin, immediately refill that space, then you may flip the card faceup. 1 Destroy 1 card in your discard pile. 2 Clear a Ruin in your space.
Megatron (Alt) Character - Decepticon War on Cybertron 2 The first time you battle during each of your turns, target card you control has +1 Power.
Megatron (Bot) Character - Decepticon War on Cybertron When you take command of a Polity, you may defeat any Adversary Robot in the Matrix. 1 Target card you control has +1 Power for each Polity under your command. 2 Command: +3 Power or draw 1 card.
Slipstream (Alt) Character - Decepticon War on Cybertron 2 Flight When you Convert to Bot Mode, you may Pay 1 Move: Place 1 card from your discard pile on top of your deck.
Slipstream (Bot) Character - Decepticon War on Cybertron When battling an Adversary not in your space, your cards with 2+ Range have +2 Power. 1 Your Starter cards have +1 Range. 2 Draw 1 card or return up to 2 Damage you control to the stack.
Unicron (Alt) Character - Unicron Chaos Unleashed 2
Unicron (Bot) Character - Unicron Chaos Unleashed
Energon Embargo Cooperative Scheme Autobot Core Set Ongoing: Players cannot activate Confront or Assist Energon abilities. To Thwart: Contribute 8 Energon.
Mass Extermination Cooperative Scheme Autobot Core Set Start of Turn: Discard 1 card with 1+ Power. To Thwart: Contribute 2 cards each with 2+ Power.
Orbital Laser Cooperative Scheme Autobot Core Set Start of Turn - Attack: Gain 1 Damage. If you have none, gain 2 instead. To Thwart: Contribute 2 cards each 2+ Move.
Rising Darkness Cooperative Scheme Autobot Core Set Ongoing: The Range value of all cards in reduced to 0. To Thwart: Contribute 4 cards of different costs.
Stolen Power Cooperative Scheme Autobot Core Set Ongoing: Pay 1 additional Energon to Convert (Converting costs a minimum of 1 Energon). To Thwart: Defeat an Adversary adjacent to this space.
Armada Blockade Cooperative Scheme Chaos Unleashed
Race to the Matrix Cooperative Scheme Chaos Unleashed
Trial of the Quintessons Cooperative Scheme Chaos Unleashed
Cybertronium Depletion Cooperative Scheme Dawn of the Dinobots Start of Turn: Discard 1 card with Move. If you have none, lose 1 Energon. To Thwart: Contribute cards with a combined printed Move value of 6+.
Alpha-Scenario Cooperative Scheme Infiltration Protocol Start of Turn: If you control 1+ Allies, gain 1 Damage. Ongoing: Allies you control have blank text. To Thwart: Contribute non-Starter cards with a combined printed Power of 6+.
Centurion Droids Cooperative Scheme War on Cybertron Reveal: Put all Polities under your Adversary's command. Start of Turn: Add a '+1 Power' token to the higheste level Polity not under your faction's command, increasing the cost to take command of it. To Thwart: Take command of 1 Polity with at least one '+1 Power' token on it.
Death of Cybertron Cooperative Scheme War on Cybertron Reveal and Start of Turn: Flip 1 facedown card in the Matrix faceup. If it's a non-Adversary card with cost 2-8, destroy it and replace it with a Ruin. To Thwart: Clear the last clearable Ruin in the Matrix of when 6+ Ruins are in the Matrix.
Reactor Coolant Failure Cooperative Scheme War on Cybertron Ongoing: If you move onto a Site, lose 2 Energon and gain 1 Damage. To Thwart: Contribute 3 Technology cards with different costs.
Rust Worms Cooperative Scheme War on Cybertron Ongoing: When you move onto a Site or Ruin, Attack: Destroy the top card of your deck. To Thwart: Contribute 3 Block cards (2 in Solo) from your discard pile that were discarded to Block an Attack.
Saboteur Cooperative Scheme War on Cybertron Start of Turn: Discard 1 card. To Thwart: Defeat the highest cost Adversary Robot in the Matrix without any Assists, then Contribute that card from your Vault during the same turn.
The Rise Cooperative Scheme War on Cybertron Reveal - All Players: Destroy all Missions in your Vault, then draw 1 Mission (if available). Ongoing: Bosses cost 1 more Power to defeat for each Mission you control. To Thwart: Contribute X Missions from your Vault, where X = the number of players.
Devastator Decepticon Boss Autobot Core Set 10 [Reveal & Start of Turn:] Place all Constructicons in the Matrix and destroyed pile under this card. This Boss has +1 cost for each card under it. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage. If you are on or adjacent to this space, gain 2 Damage instead.
Megatron Decepticon Boss Autobot Core Set 10 Reveal Attack: Discard each Ally you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's cost is 3+, destroy it.
Astrotrain Decepticon Boss Autobot Core Set 6 Reveal Attack: Draw and resolve 2 Ambushes. Ongoing: When you are Ambushed by a non-Boss Adversary, gain 1 Damage before drawing the Encounter.
Soundwave Decepticon Boss Autobot Core Set 6 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 Ally you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage. This boss cannot be defeated if any Mini-Cassette Decepticons are in the Matrix. Gain 3 VP.
Blitzwing Decepticon Boss Autobot Core Set 8 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 Ally you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: You pay 2 more Power to defeat other Decepticons.
Starscream Decepticon Boss Autobot Core Set 8 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 Ally you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Discard 1 non-Basic card.
Galvatron Decepticon Boss Chaos Unleashed 10
Nemesis Prime Decepticon Boss Chaos Unleashed 10
Scourge Decepticon Boss Chaos Unleashed 6
Snapdragon Decepticon Boss Chaos Unleashed 6
Cyclonus Decepticon Boss Chaos Unleashed 8
Straxus Decepticon Boss Chaos Unleashed 8
Abominus Decepticon Boss Clash of the Combiners 10 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 Ally and gain 1 Damage, then destroy all faceup, non-Boss cards adjacent to this space. Start of Turn: Reveal 1 facedown card adjacent to this space. If it's not a Boss, destroy it and replace it with a Ruin. If no cards are destroyed this way, gain 1 Damage.
Monstructor Decepticon Boss Clash of the Combiners 12 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 Ally you control and gain 2 Damage, then flip all facedown cards adjacent to this space faceup. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage. Ongoing: Monstructor costs 1 more Power to defeat for every 2 faceup cards adjacent to this space.
Dreadwing Decepticon Boss Clash of the Combiners 6 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 card. If you are in this space, discard 2 cards instead. Start of Turn: Swap Dreadwing with another card in the Matrix occupied by an Adversary character, if any, who must then resolve an Ambush.
Battletrap Decepticon Boss Clash of the Combiners 8 Reveal Attack: Discard the top 2 cards of your deck, theen gain 1 Damage. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Discard 1 random card, then draw 1 card. If you discarded a Damage, also gain 1 Damage.
Predaking Decepticon Boss Dawn of the Dinobots 10 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 Ally you control, then discard 1 card for each Predacon in the Matrix. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage. Then put a +1 Power token on all other Adversaries in the Matrix, increasing the cost to defeat them.
Scorponok Decepticon Boss Dawn of the Dinobots 12 Reveal Attack: Gain 2 Damage if you have none. Otherwise, gain 1 Damage. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Discard 1 random card, then resolve an Ambush.
Bombshell Decepticon Boss Dawn of the Dinobots 6 Reveal Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: If you are on an Adversary, move to an adjacent space (this does not cost Move).
Skywarp Decepticon Boss Dawn of the Dinobots 8 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 card with Block (this Attack cannot be blocked). Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Resolve an Ambush, then swap this card with another, non-adjacent card in the Matrix not occupied by an Adversary player.
Thunderwing Decepticon Boss Infiltration Protocol 10 Reveal: Put 5 Energon on this. YOu cannot confront this Boss while it has Energon on it. While in range of this space, you may Pay X Power: Steal 1 Energon for every 2 Power you spend. Start of Turn: Put 1 of your Eneergon on this card. If you cannot, gain 1 Damage.
Brawl Decepticon Boss Infiltration Protocol 6 Reveal Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: If you have 2+ Energon, discard 1 card. If you have 4+ Energon, discard 2 cards instead.
Thundercracker Decepticon Boss Infiltration Protocol 8 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 Ally you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: When Ambushed by a non-Boss Adversary, Attack: Lose 1 VP (before drawing the Encounter).
Menasor Decepticon Boss War on Cybertron 10 Reveal Attack: Discard all Allies you control, then gain 1 Damage for each Stunticon in the Matrix. Start of Turn: All Adversary players discard 1 card OR gain 1 Damage.
Shockwave Decepticon Boss War on Cybertron 10 Reveal Attack: Discard your hand, then redraw an equal number of cards -1. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: When a space in the Matrix becomes empty, lose 1 Energon. If you have no Energon, gain 1 Damage instead.
Dirge Decepticon Boss War on Cybertron 6 Reveal Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: You cannot destroy Damage or return it to the stack.
Thrust Decepticon Boss War on Cybertron 6 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 non-Damage card. Then resolve an Ambush. Ongoing: You cannot Block attacks (including the Reveal Attack on this Boss).
Octane Decepticon Boss War on Cybertron 8 Reveal Attack: Discard 1 Block. If you have none, gain 1 Damage. This Attack cannot be Blocked. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage. Ongoing: You cannot Contront Octane if any other Autobots are in this space.
Turmoil Decepticon Boss War on Cybertron 8 Reveal Attack: Reveal the top of your deck. If it's a Starter, gain 1 Damage. Otherwise, discard it. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage. If you are in this space, also resolve an Ambush.
Black Shadow Decepticon Phase-Sixer Boss Infiltration Protocol 12 Reveal Attack: Move 1 space away from this space and gain 1 Damage. Ongoing: When you play a 2nd card during your turn, gain 1 Damage. When you play a 5th card during your turn, gain 1 additional damage.
Overlord Decepticon Phase-Sixer Boss Infiltration Protocol 12 Reveal Attack: Reveal your hand, then discard all Robots. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage. Ongoing: You cannot return Damage to the stack.
Sixshot Decepticon Phase-Sixer Boss Infiltration Protocol 12 Reveal Attack: Discard each Ally you control. Then resolve an Ambush. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage, then draw the top card of the Sixshot deck and resolve its effect.
All-Out Assault Decepticon Scheme Autobot Core Set Ongoing: You must treat all battles against Adversaries as Confrontations. To Thwart: Block an attack against another player during any player's turn.
Divided Loyalties Decepticon Scheme Autobot Core Set Ongoing: Robots in the Matrix are treated as Adversaries. To Thwart: While in this space, pat 4 Energon.
Hostage Crisis Decepticon Scheme Autobot Core Set Place every Ally in ths Matrix and in play underneath this card as Hostages. If none, discard this card. Ongoing - Play 4 Power: Gain 1 random Ally under this space. When no Allies remain, destroy this card.
Magnetized Core Decepticon Scheme Autobot Core Set Ongoing: Each player's Alt Mode has 0 Move. To Thwart: Buy, gain, and/or defeat 2 cards in the Matrix in a single turn.
Space Bridge to Cybertron Decepticon Scheme Autobot Core Set Ongoing: You pay 2 more Power to defeat Adversaries. To Thwart: While in this space, resolve an Assist you placed.
Trypticon Rises Decepticon Scheme Dawn of the Dinobots Start of Turn: Destroy 1 non-Decepticon card adjacent to this space. Ongoing: You cannot buy or defeat cards adjacent to this space. Pay X Power: Put X Power token(s) on this. To Thwart: Contribute 10+ Power tokens.
Conflagration Decepticon Scheme Infiltration Protocol Ongoing: When you flip a card in your space faceup, gain 1 Damage. To Thwart: Contribute 4 cards from Vaults. For each you do, gain 1 VP and 1 card with cost 2+ from the destroyed pile.
Evasive Maneuvers Encounter A Rising Darkness Attack: Lose 2 Energon. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 1 to the Adversary's cost, plus 1 additional for each card in your Vault. If you have no cards in your Vault, also gain 1 Damage.
Evil Cannot Not Win Encounter A Rising Darkness Attack: Lose 1 VP. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 Maneuver you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage.
Help Is On the Way Encounter A Rising Darkness Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add X to the Adversary's cost, where X is the highest cost of a non-Boss card currently in the Matrix.
Never Give Up Encounter A Rising Darkness Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 card with cost 3+ you control. If you control none, gain 1 Damage.
One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall Encounter A Rising Darkness Attack: Destroy 1 Relic in your discard pile or one you control. If none, gain 2 Damage. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 Technology you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage.
Others Will Rise Encounter A Rising Darkness Attack: Lose 2 Energon. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 Robot you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage.
Stick It In Neutral Encounter A Rising Darkness Attack: Lose 1 VP. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 3 to the Adversary's cost and each of the other players destroys 1 card in their discard pile.
This Ends Here Encounter A Rising Darkness Attack: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's a Starter, gain 1 Damage. Otherwise, destroy it. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 1 to the Adversary's cost, plus an additional 1 for each VP you have. If you have no VP, also gain 2 Damage.
We Must Stand Our Ground Encounter A Rising Darkness Attack: Destroy a non-Starter, non-Damage card you control If none, gain 1 Damage instead. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 1 to the Adversary's cost for each Energon you control. If this is 2 or fewer, also gain 1 Damage.
Autobots, Roll Out! Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: This Adversary cannot be battled this turn. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 2 to the Adversary's cost for each Autobot Robot in the Matrix. If none, gain 2 Damage.
Casualties of War Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: Lose 2 Energon. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 Robot you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage instead.
Crushing Blow Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 card with cost 3+ you control. If yo control none, gain 2 Damage instead.
Dominance Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 5 to the Adversary's cost.
EMP Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: Destroy the top card of your deck. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 Technology you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage instead.
Out of Gas Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: Lose 2 Energon. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Reveal the top card of your deck. Lose Power equal to that card's cost.
Outmaneuvered Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: Lose 1 VP. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 Maneuver you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage instead.
Power Fluctuation Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: Destroy a random card in your discard pile. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 1 to the Adversary's cost for each Energon you control. If you have none, gain 2 Damage instead.
Underestimated Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: Discard 1 Relic in your hand or 1 you control. If you control none, gain 1 Damage instead. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 3 to this card's cost and each of the other players draws 1 card from their deck.
Undermined Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: This Adversary cannot be battled this turn. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 3 to the Adversary's cost, plus an additional 1 for each card with cost 4+ you control.
Uphill Battle Encounter Autobot Core Set Attack: Lose 1 VP. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 1 to the Adversary's cost for each VP you have. If you have none, gain 2 Damage instead.
Back Up Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add X to the Adversary's cost, where X is the highest cost of a non-Boss card currently in the Matrix.
Desparate Measures Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: Lose 2 Energon. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 1 to the Adversary's cost, plus 1 additional for each card in your Vault. If your Vault is empty, also gain 2 Damage.
Disarmed Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: Destroy 1 Relic you control or in your discard pile. If you cannot, gain 2 Damage instead. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 Technology you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage instead. If Blocked, destroy the Block card (if any).
Out of Control Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: Lose 1 VP. If you have none, gain 1 Damage instead. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 2 to the Adversary's cost, plus 1 additional for each Polity not under your faction's command.
Outflanked Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: Lose 1 VP. If you have none, discard 1 card instead. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 Maneuver you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage instead. If Blocked, destroy the Block card (if any).
Power Boost Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: Destroy 1 card with cost 2+ you control. If you control none, gain 1 Damage instead. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 1 to the Adversary's cost for each Energon you control. If this is 2 or fewer, also gain 2 Damage.
Ruination Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: No Adversaries can be battled by any player this turn. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Add 2 to the Adversary's cost, plus 1 additional for each Ruin in the Matrix. If there are no Ruins, also gain 2 Damage.
The Cost of War Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: Lose 2 Energon. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 Robot you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage instead. If Blocked, destroy the Block card (if any).
The Jaws of Victory Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: Reveal the top card of your desck. If it's a Starter, gain 1 Damage. Otherwise, destroy it. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Discard all Assists from your teammates. If no teammate Assists were played, add 3 to the Adversary's cost.
War of Attrition Encounter War on Cybertron Attack: Gain 1 Damage. Boss Reveal: Ambush hits all Adversaries. Attack: Destroy 1 card with cost 3+ you control. If you control none, gain 2 Damage instead. If Blocked, destroy th Block card (if any).
Phase 1 - Infiltrate Infiltration Protocol Infiltration Protocol Ongoing: Decepticons cannot Convert to Bot Mode. Objective: Buy and/or defeat 2 different non-Basic card types in a single turn.
Phase 2 - Agitate Infiltration Protocol Infiltration Protocol Start of Turn: If you do not control 1+ Allies, gain 1 Damage. Objective: During your turn, a combined 3+ Allies are either under Decepticon players' control and/or in the destroyed pile.
Phase 3 - Escalate Infiltration Protocol Infiltration Protocol Start of Turn: Reveal the top card of the main deck. If it's a Boss, place it in the Matrix. Otherwise, destroy it. Objective: Play 2+ Decepticons this turn, or any 3 different non-Starter card types.
Phase 4 - Penetrate Infiltration Protocol Infiltration Protocol Start of Turn: Flip a card in your space facedown. If it's already facedown, gain 1 Damage. Objective: When you flip a card in the Matrix faceup, if there are now no facedown cards in the Matrix.
Phase 5 - Siege Mode Infiltration Protocol Infiltration Protocol On Reveal: Place Metroplex Site faceup in the Matrix as if it were a Boss. Then shuffle 1 random Level III Autobot Boss into the top 5 cards of the main deck. Objective: Contribute non-duplicate cards while on Metroplex until there is a combined Power of 6+. For each card you contribute, gain 1 VP.
Phase 6 - Ful Invasion Infiltration Protocol Infiltration Protocol On Reveal: If an Autobot Boss is in the Matrix, all Adversary players gain 1 Damage. Otherwise, reveal and destroy the top card of the main deck until you reveal a Boss, then place it as usual. You cannot confront a Level III Autobot Boss while any Adversaries are in the Matrix. Obective: Defeat a Level III Autobot Boss.
Phase 1 - Infiltrate Infiltration Scheme Infiltration Protocol Start of Turn: Flip all faceup Decepticons Robots in the Matrix facedown. For each you do, gain 1 Damage. ]To Thwart:] Flip 2+ Adversaries faceup in a single turn.
Phase 2 - Agitate Infiltration Scheme Infiltration Protocol Start of Turn: Destroy 1 Ally you control. If you do, gain 1 VP. Ongoing: Pay 1 more Power to buy cards, and 2 more Power to buy Allies. To Thwart: During your turn, there are 3+ Allies in the destroyed pile.
Phase 3 - Escalate Infiltration Scheme Infiltration Protocol Start of Turn: Reveal the top card of the main deck. If it's an Adversary, place it in the Matrix as if it were a Boss. Otherwise, destroy it. To Thwart: When there are no faceup Adversaries in the Matrix after defeating one this turn.
Phase 4 - Penetrate Infiltration Scheme Infiltration Protocol Ongoing: When a space is in the Matrix becomes empty during your turn, immediately refill it with a new card, and flip it faceup. During your End of Turn sequence, ignore the "refill the Matrix" step. To Thwart: Block an Ambush during your turn.
Phase 5 - Siege Mode Infiltration Scheme Infiltration Protocol On Reveal: Place Siege Armature Site faceup in the Matrix as if it were a Boss. Then shuffle 1 random Decepticon Phase-Sixer Boss into the top 5 cards of the main deck. To Thwart: Contribute non-deuplicate cards while on Siege Armature until there is a combined Power of 6+. For each card you contribute, gain 1 VP.
Phase 6 - Ful Invasion Infiltration Scheme Infiltration Protocol On Reveal: If a Decepticon Phase-Sixer Boss is in the Matrix, all Adversary players gain 1 Damage. Otherwise, reveal and destroy the top card of the main deck until you reveal a Boss, then place it as usual. Ongoing: You cannot confront a Decepticon Phase-Sixer Boss while other Adversaries are in the Matrix. To Thwart: Defeat a Decepticon Phase-Sixer Boss.
Turn Sequence Instructions A Rising Darkness
Turn Sequence Instructions Autobot Core Set
Garrus-9 Prison Break - Setup Instructions Infiltration Protocol There's been a prison break at the Garrus-9 Prison detention and rehabilitation facility! Both Autobot and Decepticon players must hunt down escaped Adversaries and return them to the facility. Once a combined 7 Robots or Bosses (regardless of faction) have been returned to the prison, the Scheme is thwarted! Garrus-9 Prison Break is a special, faction-neutral Scheme that can be included in any mode of play (Co-op, Competitive, TvT, or 1vM) and works with both Autobots and Decepticons. However, it is not intended for use when playing the Infiltration Phase Variant. Setup: You can randomly shuffle this card into your main deck like you would any Scheme or Initiative, but for a more thematic setup, follow these steps: • If playing with Autobot players, use Overlord as your Level III Boss. If playing Decepticons, use Impactor. • After shuffling all your stacks, place Garrus-9 Prison Break on top of Stack 2 before combining them. Note: This special Scheme has the term "Boss" in the card type, meaning you must treat the card like a Boss for hte purproses of placement in the Matrix, destroying cards, and any end game conditions. Even if all Bosses are defeated, the game does not end if this Scheme has not been thwarted.
Evade Maneuver A Rising Darkness 2 2 Flight Block If your character has Flight, you may return 1 Damage target player controls to the stack.
This Isn't Over Maneuver A Rising Darkness 2 2 1 If you are (or were) Ambushed this turn, draw 1 card. 1 Return 1 Damage you control to the stack.
Mass Displacement Maneuver A Rising Darkness 3 2 2 You may Convert. If you do, this card has +1 Power. 1 Avoid an Ambush.
Wingman Maneuver A Rising Darkness 3 Flight Block: If you Block for another player, gain 1 VP. 2 Assist: +2 Power. If this is the only Assist received this battle, gain 1 VP.
Change of Plans Maneuver A Rising Darkness 4 1 1 1 If it's your turn, you may flip an adjacent card facedown, then flip a dfferent adjacent card faceup. If you flipped an Initiative/Scheme facedown, gain 1 Damage. 1 Peek at the top 3 cards of the main deck and then return them in any order.
Strafe Maneuver A Rising Darkness 4 1 3 1 Flight Each of the other characters in your row or column (choose 1) gains 1 Damage. 1 Confront/Assist: +2 Power if you are at Range 1+ to the Adversary.
Decepticons, Attack! Maneuver A Rising Darkness 5 2 1 1 You may Attack: Target character within range gains 1 Damage. If Blocked, draw 1 card. 2 Confront: +1 Power for each Adversary played.
To Punish and Enslave Maneuver A Rising Darkness 5 3 1 When you defeat an Adversary with cost 4+, you may Attack: Steal 1 Ally from the target player. 3 Confront: +3 Power.
Jump Maneuver Autobot Core Set 2 1 1 Flight Block: Gain 1 Energon. 1 Move 1.
Recon Maneuver Autobot Core Set 2 2 1 You may flip a card in an adjacent space faceup. 1 Confront: Play the top card of your deck.
Helping Hand Maneuver Autobot Core Set 3 2 2 Block: If you Block for another player, gain 1 VP. Assist: +2 Power.
Quick Change Maneuver Autobot Core Set 3 1 1 You may Convert. If this is the first card you play during your turn, discard your hand and draw 3 cards.
Charge Maneuver Autobot Core Set 4 2 2 Gain 1 Energon. 2 +2 Power and Move 2.
Heroic Effort Maneuver Autobot Core Set 4 2 1 +1 Power for each Adversary Boss in play. 3 Confront: +2 Power for each Adversary Boss in play.
Dodge Maneuver Autobot Core Set 5 2 2 1 Block: Draw 2 cards.
More Than Meets the Eye Maneuver Autobot Core Set 5 3 You may Convert. 1 Assist: +1 Power and Range 1.
Freefall Maneuver Chaos Unleashed 2 1 1 2
Pulled to Safety Maneuver Chaos Unleashed 3 2 2
Universal Greeting Maneuver Chaos Unleashed 3 2 1
Battle Plan Maneuver Chaos Unleashed 4 2 1 1
Team Effort Maneuver Clash of the Combiners 2 1 2 1 Flight Assist: After this battle, you may discard 1 card to return this card to your hand. 2 Assist: +2 Power
Combine and Attack! Maneuver Clash of the Combiners 5 2 1 2 You may Convert. If you Convert to Bot Mode this way, gain 1 Energon and this card has +2 Power. 1 Confront: +1 Power.
Combine! Maneuver Dawn of the Dinobots 2 1 1 You may Convert. If you do, gain 1 Energon. 2 Confront: Target Starter has +2 Power.
Orbital Bounce Maneuver Dawn of the Dinobots 2 3 Flight Block 1 Peek at 2 cards in the Matrix, then flip 1 of them faceup.
Logic Puzzle Maneuver Dawn of the Dinobots 3 1 1 1 You may pick up 3 faceup (non-Boss) and/or facedown cards in the Matrix and peek at the them. Then secretly return them facedown to any empty space in the Matrix. 1 Flip all adjacent cards faceup.
Death From Above Maneuver Dawn of the Dinobots 4 2 1 1 Flight Block +1 Power for each other card you control with Flight. 1 Target card has Flight.
Me Smash Brains Maneuver Dawn of the Dinobots 5 3 You may Attack: Target character in your space may gain 2 Damage. If they choose not to, they must destroy 1 card in their hand. 2 Defeat a Robot in your space.
Killshot Maneuver Infiltration Protocol 4 2 2 Confront: You may play this card after all cards (including Assists) are resolved and the Adversary is still not defeat. If this card defeats the Adversary this way, gain 1 VP. 1 Assist: +1 Power. Gain 1 VP if the Adversary is defeated.
Fivefold Maneuver Maneuver War on Cybertron 2 1 2 Flight Block: If used during another player's turn, you may discard any other cards in your hand and draw back an equal amount. 1 Confront/Assist: +1 Power for each Adversary player.
King of the Hill Maneuver War on Cybertron 2 3 You may Attack: Move target character(s) in your space to an adjacent space. 2 Confront: Play the top card of your deck.
Deep Cover Maneuver War on Cybertron 3 1 1 2 Block: If not in Bot Mode, Convert to Bot Mode (for free). If you are in Alt Mode, you may draw 1 Mission, then discard 1 Mission you control. 1 Teleport to any space, then you may Convert.
First Strike Maneuver War on Cybertron 3 2 1 1 Command: If the Polity in your space is not under any faction's command, +3 Power. 3 Remove 1 Command token from a Polity in your space.
Entrenched Maneuver War on Cybertron 4 3 1 1 Block: Gain 1 Energon. If you are on a Ruin, gain 1 Energon or return 1 Damage you control to the stack. 1 Block an Attack against all characters in your space.
Sneak Attack Maneuver War on Cybertron 4 2 2 1 You may Convert OR Teleport to any space. 1 Target character within range gains 1 Damage.
Omega Formation Maneuver War on Cybertron 5 2 2 2 Flight You may discard the next Encounter card you draw this turn before resolving it. If you do, immediately draw and resolve another one. 2 Assist: Play a second Assist, faceup, and resolve it.
Overwhelming Force Maneuver War on Cybertron 5 2 1 2 +1 Power for each Robot and Ally you control. 2 Confront or Command: +2 Power.
Apex Armor Relic A Rising Darkness 7 You cannot gain Damage this turn. You may return up to 2 Damage you control to the stack. If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Forge of Solus Prime Relic A Rising Darkness 7 Pay 2 less Power to buy your next card this turn. If that card is a Relic, pay 4 less instead. If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Pearl of Bahoudin Relic A Rising Darkness 7 2 If it's your turn, characters in your space or adjacent to it move 1 space away from your space and gain 1 Damage. If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Enigma of Combination Relic A Rising Darkness 8 +1 Power for each non-Adversary Robot in the Matrix and for each Robot you control. If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Spark Extractor Relic A Rising Darkness 8 Defeat target Robot (any faction) in your space. At the end of the game, if this card is not destroyed, lose 5 VP.
Star Saber Relic A Rising Darkness 8 Gain 1 Damage. All other characters in your space gain 2 Damage each. If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Phase Shifter Relic Autobot Core Set 7 You avoid all Ambushes you draw this turn. Block: Draw 2 cards. If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Polarity Gauntlet Relic Autobot Core Set 7 You may flip a card in an adjacent space face up OR Gain 1 non-Robot card with a cost of 5 or less in an adjacent space. If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Tox-En Relic Autobot Core Set 7 If this card is revealed in your space or you move onto it, lose 3 Energon.
Matrix of Leadership Relic Autobot Core Set 8 Gain 1 Robot from the Matrix. If none, gain 2 Energon instead. If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Resonance Blaster Relic Autobot Core Set 8 Defeat akk adjacent Adversaries with cost 5 or less. If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Chimera Orb Relic Clash of the Combiners 7 Gain Energon equal to the Power on a card in your space with 1+ Power, then destroy that card. 2 Gain 1 card with cost 2-5 from the destroyed pile.
Spark of Combination Relic Clash of the Combiners 8 You may Convert. You may discard any Robots you control. For each you discard, gain +3 Power. 1: Team effects on your Starters are active while in Combiner mode.
Ore-1 Relic Dawn of the Dinobots 7 Peek at the top X cards of your deck, where X is the number of cards in your hand, then leave them or draw them. If you draw them, first discard your hand, then every other player must also discard and redraw their hand. Then destroy the top card of the main deck.
Liegian Darts Relic Dawn of the Dinobots 8 2 3 You may target any number of characters within Range. Each target gains 1 Damage. Damage which would be put in their discard pile is placed on top of their deck instead.
Onyx Triptych Relic Infiltration Protocol 7 Choose 1: Peek at the top 3 cards of the main deck and arrange them in any order. OR Pay 2 less Power to defeat 1 Robot this turn. OR Put 1 Robot card from your Vault into your discard pile.
Talisman Relic Infiltration Protocol 8 2 1 Block: All players avoid this Attack, then gain 1 Energon for each player who avoids the Attack this way. Technology you control have +2 Power, +1 Range, +1 Move, and Flight.
Force Field Generator Relic War on Cybertron 7 When played, gained, or bought, put this into play. Ongoing: You may discard this card from play to Block an Attack.
Key to Vector Sigma Relic War on Cybertron 7 Ignore the Ongoing effects of Ruins this turn. The next time you move onto a Ruin this turn, you may clear it for no cost. If you do, refill that space immediately and flip the new card faceup.
Photonic Crystal Relic War on Cybertron 7 You may activate 1 Energon ability on your character card or target card you control at no cost. When you place this card in your discard pile instead of your Vault, gain 1 Energon.
Dark Spark Relic War on Cybertron 8 Gain 1 Robot from the destroyed pile. If there are none, gain 2 Energon instead.
Sword of Primus Relic War on Cybertron 8 5 This card can only be used to battle. If you battle a Robot, you cannot Vault this card this turn. If you battle a Boss, you must Vault this card after the battle (if the game does not end).
Jetfire Relic - Robot Autobot Core Set 8 4 2 2 Flight If you would put this card into your discard pile, you may put it into your Vault instead.
Starscream's Ghost Relic - Robot Chaos Unleashed 7
Starscream's Ghost Relic - Robot Chaos Unleashed 7
Rung Relic - Robot Chaos Unleashed 8 2 3 1
Crystal City Relic - Site - Ruin War on Cybertron 8 Ongoing: Pay +2 Move to move onto this space. You cannot activate Energon abilities while on this space. [Pay 5 Power (Range 0):] Clear this Ruin, then place this card in the destroyed pile.
Blurr Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 2 1 2 Avoid all Ambushes you trigger this turn. 1 +3 Move.
Brawn Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 2 1 1 1 You may move target character 1 space. 1 Assist: +2 Power.
Cosmos Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 2 1 2 1 Flight Block: Peek at an adjacent card. 1 Target player avoids an Ambush.
Drift Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 2 1 2 Block +1 Power when battling Adversaries. 2 If you defeated a Robot this turn, gain 1 VP.
Blaster Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 3 2 1 Block +1 Power for each Maneuver in your discard pile. 2 Gain 1 Maneuver from the Matrix or the destroyed pile.
Cliffjumper Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 3 2 2 1 Peek at the top card of your deck. If it's a Starter, reveal it and then draw it. 1 Discard up to 2 cards, then draw that many cards.
Mirage Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 3 1 1 1 If it's your turn, flip an adjacent card faceup. You may Teleport to that space. 1 Teleport to any space not occupied by another character.
Hound Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 4 1 1 2 Pay 2 less Power to buy your next Ally this turn, and you may choose another player to gain it. 2 Peek at a facedown card under any character. If its cost is 4 or less, gain it.
Jazz Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 4 2 2 1 Block: You may move to an adjacent space. 1 Gain 1 VP.
Wheeljack Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 4 1 3 +1 Power for each Technology in target player's discard pile. 2 Gain 1 Technology from the Matrix or destroyed pile.
Hot Rod Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 5 2 1 1 +1 Power for each other Autobot you play or have played this turn. 2 Confront: +3 Power.
Kup Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 5 3 1 1 Block: Target player gains 1 Damage. 2 Block an Attack against all characters in your space and gain 1 VP.
Ratchet Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 5 3 1 Target player may destroy 1 card they control. 2 Return up to 3 Damage controlled by target player in your space to the stack.
Ultra Magnus Robot - Autobot A Rising Darkness 5 2 3 If it's your turn, you may Teleport to any other character's space in the Matrix. If you do, you may flip pthat card faceup or facedown. 1 If you thwarted a Scheme or Initiative this turn, gain 1 VP and draw 1 card.
Arcee Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2 1 1 3 Block: Gain 2 Energon. 1 Put 1 Maneuver from your discard pile on top of your deck.
Brawn Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2 1 1 1 +1 Power for each other Autobot you play or have played this turn. 1 Draw 1 card.
Mirage Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2 1 1 3 Block: You may Teleport 1 space. 1 You avoid 1 Ambush drawn this turn.
Sideswipe Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 2 1 2 +2 Power if Sunstreaker is in play or in the Matrix. 1 Draw 1 card.
Bumblebee Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 3 2 1 Gain 1 Ally in this space. Block 2 Target player(s) puts all Allies from their discard pile into play.
Cliffjumper Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 3 2 1 1 Peek at the top card of your deck. Destroy it or leave it. 1 Draw 1 card.
Hound Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 3 1 1 2 +1 Power for each Maneuver you play or have played this turn. 1 Assist: +2 Power.
Sunstreaker Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 3 2 2 +1 Power if you are on a space with an Adversary. This card cannot be used to Assist. 2 Players cannot Assist this turn.
Jazz Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 4 2 2 1 Block: Draw 1 card and gain 1 Energon. 1 +2 Power if you are on a Site.
Prowl Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 4 2 2 2 If you thwart a Scheme this turn, gain 2 VP. 1 Confront: +1 Power.
Wheeljack Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 4 1 3 +1 Power for each Technology you play or have played this turn. 1 Assist: +2 Power.
Ironhide Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 5 2 1 1 Block Draw 2 cards. 1 +1 Power for each Damage you control.
Optimus Prime Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 5 3 2 1 You may put 1 Autobot from your discard pile on top of your deck. 2 If you control another Autobot, gain 1 VP.
Ratchet Robot - Autobot Autobot Core Set 5 3 1 You may destroy 1 card you control. 1 Return up to 2 Damage controlled by any player in your space to the stack.
Nautica Robot - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 1 2
Eject Robot - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 2 1 1 1
Playback Robot - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 2 1 2
Greenlight Robot - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 3 1 1 1
Nautica Robot - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 3 1 2
Huffer Robot - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 4 2 1
Perceptor Robot - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 4 2 3
Scattershot Robot - Autobot Chaos Unleashed 5 3 2 1
Nightbeat Robot - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 2 1 2 You may peek at the card in your space or the top card of any deck. 1 Discard the top card of target player's deck.
Brainstorm Robot - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 3 2 1 1 Flight The next time you play a Technology, other characters in your space gain 1 Damage each. 1 Put 1 Technology from your discard pile into your hand.
Rotorstorm Robot - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 4 2 1 2 Flight, Block When you flip an Adversary faceup in your space, characters in your space avoid the Ambush. 2 Assist: +2 Power.
Hot Spot Robot - Autobot Clash of the Combiners 5 3 1 1 Block: Draw 1 card. Return the next Damage you gain this turn to the stack. 2 Confront: +2 Power.
Catilla Robot - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 2 1 2 +1 Power if you trigger an Ambush this turn. 1 Flip up to 2 adjacent cards faceup.
Wheelie Robot - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 2 1 1 1 Each player whose Autobot character is in your space moves their character 1 space. 2 Play the top card of your deck.
Sludge Robot - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 3 2 1 Block You may gain 1 Damage for +1 Power. 1 Destroy 1 Damage in your discard pile.
Swoop Robot - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 3 1 1 2 Flight Peek at 1 facedown card in the Matrix. 1 Teleport to a card you peeked at this turn.
Slug Robot - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 4 2 1 1 Block: Gain 1 VP. During your turn, you may move a character in your space to an adjacent space. 3 Confront/Assist: +3 Power.
Snarl Robot - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 4 2 1 During a Confrontation, if there are no Assists in play when Assists are resolved, gain +2 Power. 2 Discard target Assist (may be used before Assists are resolved).
Grimlock Robot - Autobot Dawn of the Dinobots 5 3 1 1 Other Dinobots you play have +2 Power. 2 Gain 1 Dinobot Robot from the Matrix.
Cloudburst Robot - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 2 1 1 1 Flight You may destroy 1 card you control. 2 Confront/Assist: +2 Power.
Steeljaw Robot - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 2 1 2 When spending this card's Move to enter a space, you may flip a card in that space faceup. 1 Peek at 2 adjacent cards. If either are an Ally, reveal and gain 1 of them.
Rack 'n' Ruin Robot - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 3 2 1 Block: Place this card on top of your deck. The next time you reveal an Adversary in your space, +2 Power. 2 Confront: Peek at the top 2 cards of your deck, then play 1 and discard the other.
Topspin Robot - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 4 2 2 Flight Each time you flip a card in your space faceup, you may Convert. 1 Gain X move, where X is equal to the printed Move value on another card you control.
Springer Robot - Autobot Infiltration Protocol 5 2 1 2 Block: You may Teleport 1 space. Gain 1 Autobot Robot from the destroyed pile. 1 Each other Autobot you control has +1 Power.
Ironfist Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 2 2 1 Assist: +1 Range. 2 Target character within range gain 2 Damage.
Ramhorn Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 2 2 1 Assist or Confront: +1 Power. 1 Move target character in your space to an adjacent space.
Rewind Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 2 1 1 1 Block Peek at the top card of any deck. 1 Draw 1 card.
Afterburner Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 3 2 2 Block +1 Power if you control 2 Damage. 1 Block an Attack OR gain +2 Move.
Air Raid Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 3 1 1 2 Flight You may spend 1 Move from this card to Teleport to an adjacent space. 2 Cancel a Boss Reveal Attack against all players.
Firestar Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 3 1 1 2 When you move onto a Site with this card's Move value, gain 1 Energon. 1 Destroy 1 card you control.
Bluestreak Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 4 2 1 2 Block The next time you move onto a Ruin this turn, you may destroy 1 card in your discard pile. 2 Reveal the top card of your deck. You may destroy it or play it.
Chromia Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 4 2 3 Peek at 1 card in the Matrix. If it's a Maneuver, you may reveal and gain it. 1 Target Maneuver you control has +2 Move or +2 Power.
Skydive Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 4 2 1 2 Flight The next time you move onto a Ruin this turn, ignore its Ongoing effect. 1 Clear a Ruin in your space, but gain no Energon reward. Instead, draw 1 card.
Elita-1 Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 5 3 1 2 Block: During your turn, you may play this card instead of discarding it, even during a Confrontation. 3 No Assists can be played by your Adversaries during this battle.
Optimus Prime Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 5 3 2 1 Reveal: Place a "+1 Power" token on this card, increasing the cost to defeat it. When battling, +1 Power for each other Autobot controlled by any player. 2 Command: +3 Power.
Silverbolt Robot - Autobot War on Cybertron 5 2 2 2 Flight Target card any player controls other than this one has +2 Power this turn. 1 Non-Starter cards you control have Flight.
Laserbeak Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 2 1 3 1 Flight Peek at 1 card in the Matrix or the top card of the main deck. 1 Assist: +1 Power if you are at Range 1+ to the Adversary.
Mixmaster Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 2 2 1 Block Use a Site in the Matrix as though you were on that space. X +X Power or +X Move.
Ratbat Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 2 1 1 1 Flight The next time you gain 1 Energon this turn, gain 1 additional Energon. 1 Put 1 card from your discard pile into your hand.
Ravage Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 2 1 1 1 Block Put 1 card from your discard pile into target player's hand. 1 Confront: +1 Power.
Bombshell Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 3 2 2 1 You may choose another character within range. That player must discard 1 card. 1 Move up to 2 target characters up to 2 spaces each.
Headstrong Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 3 1 1 1 The next time you trigger an Ambush this turn, you may choose another character within Range to resolve it instead )they cannot resolve the same Ambush twice). 1 Assist: +1 Power.
Hook Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 3 1 2 Reveal the top card of your deck. Destroy it or leave it. 1 Gain 1 card with cost 3 or less from the destroyed pile.
Skywarp Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 3 1 3 1 Flight You may Teleport to any space with an Adversary Robot or Boss. 2 You may spend Move as Power when battling Adversaries this turn.
Scrapper Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 4 2 1 1 Block: If you Block for another player, draw 1 card. 2 If you defeated an Adversary this turn, gain 1 VP.
Shrapnel Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 4 2 2 Draw 1 card OR gain 1 Energon. 2 Confront: +2 Power.
Thundercracker Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 4 2 2 2 Flight The next time you leave a space this turn, you may flip that card faceup. 2 If you control 1+ Maneuver, gain 1 VP.
Megatron Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 5 3 1 The next time you defeat an Adversary during your turn, gain 1 VP. If that Adversary has cost 4+, gain 1 Energon as well. 2 Move target character 1 space and draw 1 card.
Onslaught Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 5 3 1 1 Block: You may destroy 1 card in your discard pile. 1 Target player must reveal their hand and place a legal Assist during this battle, if able.
Soundwave Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 5 2 2 Block You may peek at an adjacent card. Avoid the next Ambush you trigger this turn. 1 Gain a card in your space with cost 3 or less.
Starscream Robot - Decepticon A Rising Darkness 5 1 2 2 Flight +2 Power if you have no cards in hand and this card's cost is greater than any other card you control. 1 Assist: If this battle fails to defeat the Adversary, gain 1 VP.
Frenzy Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 2 2 1 Cards you control have Range 2 instead of their printed Range this turn.
Laserbeak Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 2 1 3 1 Flight Block 1 Assist: +1 Power.
Ravage Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 2 1 2 1 Block: Draw 1 card, then you may put 1 card from your hand into another player's hand. 1 Confront: Play the top card of your deck.
Rumble Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 2 2 1 2 Destroy a non-Boss card in your space.
Kickback Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 3 1 2 1 Flight Block 2 Gain 1 Ally from the Matrix.
Scavenger Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 3 1 2 Draw 1 card, then you may destroy 1 card in your hand. 1 Draw 1 card, then you may destroy 1 card in your hand.
Skywarp Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 3 2 3 1 Flight Teleport to any space. 1 Gain 1 face-up non-Adversary card with cost 3 or less in an adjacent space.
Vortex Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 3 1 2 2 Flight Peek at 1 face-down card adjacent to an Adversary. 1 Target player discards 1 card.
Brawl Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 4 2 1 If you are on a Site, draw 2 cards. 1 Draw an Encounter and resolve the Ambush against each other character in your space.
Scrapper Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 4 2 1 1 Block: If you Block for another player, gain 1 VP. 2 Draw 2 cards.
Shrapnel Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 4 2 2 1 The first time you defeat an Adversary this turn, gain 1 VP. 2 Confront: +2 Power.
Bombshell Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 5 2 2 1 You may move target character within range up to 1 space. 1 Players cannot Assist this turn.
Bonecrusher Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 5 2 2 2 You avoid all Ambushes you draw this turn. 1 Confront: +2 Power.
Thundercracker Robot - Decepticon Autobot Core Set 5 3 1 2 Flight 2 If you have 6 or more VP, gain 1 VP.
Buzzsaw Robot - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 2 1 1 2
Apeface Robot - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 3 2 1
Runabout Robot - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 3 2 1 1
Runamok Robot - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 3 2 1
Cyclonus Robot - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 4 2 1 2
Scourge Robot - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 4 2 1 1 Flight Name a card type (Robot, Technology, etc), then flip an adjacent card faceup. If you reveal the announced type, draw 1 card. 1 Repeat this card's game text effect.
Galvatron Robot - Decepticon Chaos Unleashed 5 3 1 1
Blot Robot - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 2 2 1 Block Other Robots you control this turn have +1 Move. 1 Target player in your space gains 1 Damage.
Snaptrap Robot - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 3 2 2 Pay 2 less Power to defeat an Adversary Robot. 2 Destroy 1 card in your discard pile.
Sinnertwin Robot - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 4 2 1 2 Block: Gain 1 Energon. Confront or Assist: +1 Power. 1 Discard target Ally.
Hun-Gurrr Robot - Decepticon Clash of the Combiners 5 3 1 1 When you clear a Ruin, this card gains +2 Power. 2 Clear a Ruin in your space.
Overkill Robot - Decepticon Dawn of the Dinobots 2 2 1 After defeating a Boss during your turn, if the total Power exceeded the necessary amount by 3 or more, gain 1 VP. 2 Confront: +2 Power.
Divebomb Robot - Decepticon Dawn of the Dinobots 3 1 2 1 Flight You may Attack: Target character within Range gains 1 Damage. 1 Confront/Assist: +X Power where X is your range to the target.
Rampage Robot - Decepticon Dawn of the Dinobots 4 2 1 1 Block You may destroy a Site in your space if 2+ characters are on it. If you do, all characters in that space gain 1 Damage (including you). 1 Destroy 1 Damage you control or in your discard pile.
Razorclaw Robot - Decepticon Dawn of the Dinobots 5 2 1 2 Block: If it's your turn, play the top card of your deck. Other Predacons you play have +1 Power. 1 Gain 1 Predacon Robot from the Matrix.
Shockwave Robot - Decepticon Dawn of the Dinobots 5 2 2 The next time a card leaves the Matrix during your turn, you may refill it immediately with any card from the destroyed pile (facedown). 1 Peek at the top card of the deck.
Carnivac Robot - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 2 1 2 1 Block During your turn, you may Attack: Target character within range discards 1 card. If Blocked, discard this card. 2 Target player discards 1 card.
Swindle Robot - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 2 1 1 1 Display each Robot from the destroyed pile. In any order you choose, each other player may gain 1 displayed card, and you gain those cards rewards. Destroy the rest. 1 Buy 1 card from the destroyed pike for half its cost, rounded down.
Blast Off Robot - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 3 1 1 2 Flight The next time you are Ambushed this turn, you may Teleport to an adjacent space to avoid it. 2 Assist: +2 Power.
Long Haul Robot - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 4 1 1 3 When you spend this card's Move to leave a space you may move a character in that space with you. 2 Move all characters within Range to any corner space in the Matrix.
Octopunch Robot - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 4 2 1 Block: Draw 1 card. If you play this card while on a Site, it has +2 Power and +1 Range. 4 Confront: +8 Power, then resolve 1 extra Boss Confrontation.
Bludgeon Robot - Decepticon Infiltration Protocol 5 3 1 1 During your turn, you may Attack: Target player within range resolves an Ambush. 1 Confront/Assist: Target Maneuver any player controls has +2 Power.
Cutthroat Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 2 1 1 1 Flight You may flip 1 card within range faceup. 1 Target card has +1 Range.
Flamewar Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 2 1 2 This card may be played before any Damage cards in your hand. Target character in your space discards 1 card. 2 Reveal the top card of target facedown deck. Discard it (if not a Boss) or leave it.
Slugfest Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 2 2 1 Block If you are on a space with an Adversary card or character, you may discard 1 card. If you do, draw 1 card. 1 Confront: +1 Power.
Breakdown Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 3 1 1 2 Block You may place a '-1 Move' token on target character(s) in range, reducing their inherent Move. The tokens remain until the end of their next turn. 2 Confront: +2 Power.
Drag Strip Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 3 1 1 2 If you are on a Ruin, you may destroy 1 card you control. 2 Put 1 card from your discard pile into your hand.
Ramjet Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 3 2 2 Flight The next time you move onto a space with an Adversary character this turn, they gain 2 Damage and you gain 1 Damage. 1 Move target character in your space to an adjacent space.
Rippersnapper Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 4 2 2 1 Block: Gain 1 Energon. +1 Power when buying or battling cards with a printed cost of 4 or less. 1 Assist: +1 Power.
Slipstream Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 4 2 1 2 Flight Peek at 1 card in the Matrix. If it has Range 2+, you may reveal it and gain it. X Command: +X Power.
Sunstorm Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 4 2 3 Flight Target character in your space gains 1 Damage or 1 Energon (your choice). 1 Target player gains X Energon.
Barricade Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 5 2 2 2 Block: Draw 1 card. The next time you flip a Robot Adversary in your space faceup this turn, all characters in that space ignore the Ambush. 2 Gain 1 non-Robot card with Block anywhere in the Matrix.
Megatron Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 5 3 2 1 Reveal: Place a "+1 Power" token on this card, increasing the cost to defeat it. The next time you take command of a Polity this turn, gain 1 VP or draw 1 card. 3 Take command of a Polity in your space if it is not under command.
Motormaster Robot - Decepticon War on Cybertron 5 3 1 2 If there are 3+ Ruins in the Matrix, this card has +2 Power when battling. 2 Destroy 1 Robot in your space and replace it with a Ruin.
The Graveyard Ruin Chaos Unleashed
Blind Hazards Ruin Clash of the Combiners Reveal: Characters in this space must move to an adjacent space. Ongoing: When you move onto this space during any player's turn, resolve an Ambush. Pay 4 Power: Clear this Ruin.
Crushed Metal Ruin Clash of the Combiners Reveal: Characters in this space must move to an adjacent space. Ongoing: When you move onto this space during any player's turn, discard 1 non-Damage card. Pay 3 Power: Clear this Ruin.
Impenetrable Debris Ruin Clash of the Combiners Reveal: Characters in this space must move to an adjacent space. Ongoing: Characters cannot move (or be moved by another effect) onto this space during any player's turn. This Ruin is not clearable by any effect.
Load of Scrap Ruin Clash of the Combiners Reveal: Characters in this space must move to an adjacent space. Ongoing: Pay +1 Move to move onto this space. You cannot Teleport to this space. Pay 2 Move: Clear this Ruin.
Radioactive Zone Ruin Clash of the Combiners Reveal and Start of Turn: Characters in this space gain 1 Damage. Ongoing: You may only move onto this space with Flight or Teleport. Pay 5 Power: Clear this Ruin.
Hazardous Wreckage Ruin War on Cybertron On Reveal: Characters in this space must move to an adjacent space. Ongoing: When you move onto this space during any player's turn, gain 1 Damage. Pay 3 Power: Clear this Ruin.
Hidden Dangers Ruin War on Cybertron On Reveal: Characters in this space must move to an adjacent space. Ongoing: When you move onto this space during any player's turn, resolve an Ambush. Pay 4 Power: Clear this ruin.
Impassable Rubble Ruin War on Cybertron On Reveal: Characters in this space must move to an adjacent space. Ongoing: You may only move onto this space with Flight or Teleport. If you do, gain 1 Damage. Pay 5 Power: Clear this Ruin.
Pile of Scrap Ruin War on Cybertron On Reveal: Characters in this space must move to an adjacent space. Ongoing: Pay +1 Move to move onto this space. You cannot Teleport onto this space. Pay 3 Move: Clear this Ruin.
Toxic War Zone Ruin War on Cybertron On Reveal: Characters in this space must move to an adjacent space and gain 1 Damage. Ongoing: Characters cannot move (or be moved by any effect) onto this space during any player's turn. This Ruin is not clearable by any effect.
Garrus-9 Prison Break Scheme - Boss - Special Infiltration Protocol Treat this card like a Boss until thwarted. Ongoing: You cannot enter this space while an Adversary is in the Matrix. You pay 2 more Power to defeat Robots. To Thwart: Contribute 7 Robots and/or Bosses from your Vault. For each one you contribute, gain 1 VP. If a Robot you contributed was defeated this turn, gain 2 VP instead.
Attack of the Sweeps Scheme - Special Chaos Unleashed
Abandoned Energon Mine Site A Rising Darkness Place 12 Energon from the general supply on this card. Pay 2 Power: Reveal the top card of the main deck. Gain Energon equal to the revealed card's cost. When empty, destroy this.
Construction Site Site A Rising Darkness Pay 3 Move: Return all Damage you control to the stack. Then, if no other non-Adversary player controls Damage, destroy this Site.
Decepticon Command Bunker Site A Rising Darkness Decepticons Only: Pay 1 less Energon to activate your Energon abilities. Autobots Only - Pay 7 Power: Destroy this site and gain 2 VP.
Lunar Dome Site A Rising Darkness Peek at any 1 card in the Matrix. Co-op: If it's an Adversary, Initiative, or Scheme, reveal it. Pay 1 Energon: Teleport to any card you peeked at this turn.
Ore-13 Refinery Site A Rising Darkness Place 9 Energon from the general supply on this card. Destroy the top card of your deck: Gain 3 Energon. When empty, destroy this.
Power Plant Site A Rising Darkness Pay 2 Move: Gain 1 Energon OR draw 1 card.
Weapons Facility Site A Rising Darkness Pay 2 Energon: Gain 1 Technology from the Matrix.
Arctic Site Autobot Core Set Pay 2 Move: Put 1 card from your discard pile on top of your deck.
Autobot Base Site Autobot Core Set Pay 2 Move: Return up to 2 Damage you control to the stack. Co-op: Pay 4 Move instead.
City Site Autobot Core Set Pay 2 Move: Gain 1 face-up Ally from the Matrix. If none, draw 1 card instead.
Desert Site Autobot Core Set Pay 3 Power: Gain the top card of the main deck. If it's an Adversary, destroy this Site, place the Adversary in this space instead, and resolve an Ambush.
Energon Mine - Small Site Autobot Core Set Place 8 Energon from the general supply on this card. Pay X Move: Gain X Energon from this card. When empty, destroy this.
Energon Mine - Large Site Autobot Core Set Place 12 Energon from the general supply on this card. Pay X Power: Gain X Energon from this card. When empty, destroy this.
Military Base Site Autobot Core Set Cards you play during your turn while on this Site have +1 Range. During other players' turns, your cards have +2 Range.
Unicron's Head Site Chaos Unleashed
Unicron's Head Site Chaos Unleashed
Darkmount Site Clash of the Combiners Start of Turn: Ignore Start of Turn effects that resolve after this one. Pay 1 Energon: Give 1 Damage you control to another player who has 3 or fewer (they gain it).
Moonbase One Site Clash of the Combiners Avoid Reveal Attacks and Ambushes from Adversary Bosses. Your cards have +1 Range. Pay 1 Move: Teleport to any space.
Active Volcano Site Dawn of the Dinobots Place 12 Energon from the general supply on this card. Destroy 1 non-Damage card you control: Gain 2 Energon from this card. Start of Turn: Gain 1 Damage if on or adjacent to this space.
Dinobot Island Site Dawn of the Dinobots Cards you control are blank, except for Damage. You cannot be attacked, targeted, or gain additional Damage. Start of Turn: Return 1 Damage you control to the stack OR gain 1 Energon. Then Teleport to an adjacent space.
Tar Pits Site Dawn of the Dinobots Pay 1 additional Move to move off this space. Pay 3 Move: Gain 1 card with cost 5 or less from the destroyed pile.
Energy Stockpile Site Infiltration Protocol Place 4 Energon from the general supply on this for each player in the game. Discard X cards: Gain X Energon. When empty, destroy this.
Secret Lab Site Infiltration Protocol Pay 1 Energon, 1 Move, and 1 Power: Swap any number of cards in your hand for an equal number of cards in your discard pile.
Tunnel Network Site Infiltration Protocol Pay 2 Move: Teleport to any space with a faceup card in the Matrix. Pay 6 Power: Destroy this card and gain 2 VP.
Underwater Base Site Infiltration Protocol Pay +1 Move to enter or leave this space (unless Teleporting), and you cannot use Flight to do so. You avoid all Attacks while on this Site. Start of Turn: Draw 1 card and your cards have -3 Range this turn. Also, you may ignore other start of Turn effects this turn.
Maccadam's Site War on Cybertron Pay 2 Power: Gain 2 Energon. Pay 2 Energon: Draw 1 card. Pay 2 Move: Give 1 non-Damage card you control to target player. They must place it on top of their deck unless it's a Mission.
Mining Outpost Site War on Cybertron Reveal: Put 12 Energon from the general supply on this. Pay X Move: Gain X Energon from this card.
Rust Sea Site War on Cybertron Ongoing: When on or adjacent to this space during any player's turn, Technology cards you control have 0 Power. The first time you move onto this space this turn, destroy 1 non-Damage card you control or 1 Damage in your discard pile.
Smelting Pool Site War on Cybertron You may buy 1 card from the destroyed pile. Pay 2 Power: Destroy 1 card in your Vault or discard pile. If you destroy 1 from your Vault, gain 1 VP and 3 Energon.
Vector Sigma Site War on Cybertron Pay 3 Energon or discard 1 Relic: Gain 1 Robot from the destroyed pile. If none, you may draw 2 cards instead. If you discarded the Key to Vector Sigma to pay for this effect, gain 1 VP.
Metroplex Site - Boss - Special Infiltration Protocol Ongoing: Pay 3 more Power to defeat Autobot Robots adjacent to this card. Autobot Bosses cannot be defeated. Autobots Only - Pay 2 Energon: Destroy all non-Boss cards in an adjacent space, then move this Site to that empty space.
Siege Armature Site - Boss - Special Infiltration Protocol Ongoing: You pay 2 more Power to defeat Decepticon Robots and 2 less Power to defeat Autobot Robots. Decepticon Bosses cannot be defeated. Decepticons Only - Pay 3 Power: Flip an adjacent card faceup or facedown.
Iacon Site - Polity War on Cybertron Ongoing: If this Polity is under your faction's command, pay 2 less Power to buy or defeat a card adjacent to this card. Pay 7 Power: Take command of this Polity. Pay 1 more Power for each Polity under your Adversary's command (including this one).
Kalis Site - Polity War on Cybertron Ongoing: If this Polity is under your faction's command, gain 1 Energon when you first move onto this space this turn. Pay 3 Power: Take command of this Polity. Pay 1 more Power for each Polity under your Adversary's command (including this one).
Polyhex Site - Polity War on Cybertron Start of Turn: If this Polity is under your faction's command, return 1 Damage you control to the stack. Pay 3 Power: Take command of this Polity. Pay 1 more Power for each Polity under your Adversary's command (including this one).
Praxus Site - Polity War on Cybertron Start of Turn: If this Polity is under your faction's command, draw 1 card. Pay 3 Power: Take command of this Polity. Pay 1 more for each Polity under your Adversary's command (including this one).
Tarn Site - Polity War on Cybertron Ongoing: If this Polity is under your Adversary's command, pay 1 more Power to buy or defeat a card adjacent to this card. Pay 5 Power: Take command of this Polity. Pay 1 more Power for each Polity under your Adversary's command (including this one).
Vos Site - Polity War on Cybertron Ongoing: If this Polity is under your faction's command, pay 1 less Power to buy or defeat a card adjacent to this card. Pay 5 Power: Take command of this Polity. Pay 1 more Power for each Polity under your Adversary's command (including this one).
Bot Sixshot Deck Infiltration Protocol Resolve an Ambush.
Gun Sixshot Deck Infiltration Protocol All Autobot characters on or adjacent to Sixshot gain 1 Damage.
Offroad Vehicle Sixshot Deck Infiltration Protocol Ongoing: Autobot players cannot play Assists (this card stays in place until the end of this turn).
Spaceship Sixshot Deck Infiltration Protocol Decepticon characters may Teleport to any space. Ongoing: Cards with Range 0 cannot be used to Confront/Assist in a battle against Sixshot (this card stays n play until the end of this turn).
Tank Sixshot Deck Infiltration Protocol Discard 1 card.
Winged Wolf Sixshot Deck Infiltration Protocol Move Sixshot to the nearest Autobot character not on a space with a Decepticon or a Scheme (if possible), then destroy the card in that space. Then resolve an Ambush against all Autobots in that space.
Firepower Starter A Rising Darkness 0 2 1
Fix Starter A Rising Darkness 0 1 You may return 1 Damage controlled by any player in your space or an adjacent space to the stack. 1 Destroy 1 Starter you control
Hunt Starter A Rising Darkness 0 1 You may flip a card in an adjacent space faceup.
Reserves Starter A Rising Darkness 0 1 If you control 3 or fewer Energon, gain 1 Energon.
Wrath Starter A Rising Darkness 0 1 1 Confront: +1 Power for every 2 Wrath you control.
Courage Starter Autobot Core Set 0 1 1 Confront: Play the top card of your deck.
Firepower Starter Autobot Core Set 0 2 1
Fix Starter Autobot Core Set 0 1 You may return 1 Damage controlled by any player in your space or an adjacent space to the stack. 1 Destroy 1 Starter you control.
Patrol Starter Autobot Core Set 0 1 You may flip a card in an adjacent space face up.
Reserves Starter Autobot Core Set 0 1 If you control 3 or fewer Energon, gain 1 Energon.
Courage - Afterburner Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: When you defeat an Adversary, you may destroy 1 non-Basic card you control. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Air Raid Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Power when battling Robots. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Dust Up Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Power when battling Robots. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Firefight Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: When you defeat an Adversary, you may destroy 1 non-Basic card you control. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Jumpstream Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: The next time you are Ambushed by an Adversary Robot this turn, you may Teleport and avoid it. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Lightspeed Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Move. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Nosecone Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: You may peek at an adjacent card. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Pyra Magna Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: Other Courage cards you play have +1 Power when buying Robots. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Rust Dust Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Move. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Scattershot Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: Other Courage cards you play have +1 Power when buying Technology. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Silverbolt Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: Other Courage cards you play have +1 Power when buying Maneuvers. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Skyburst Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: Block 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Skydive Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Move and Flight. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Slingshot Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Range. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Stormclash Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: When you defeat an Adversary, you may destroy 1 non-Basic card you control. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Courage - Strafe Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Power when battling Robots. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Blast Off Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Range. 2 [Combiner - Confront;] +2 Power.
Wrath - Brawl Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: When you defeat an Adversary, you may destroy 1 non-Basic card you control. 2 [Combiner - Confront;] +2 Power.
Wrath - Divebomb Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Range. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Headstrong Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: You may discard 1 Starter to gain 1 Energon. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Onslaught Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: Other Wrath cards you play have +1 Power when buying Robots. 2 [Combiner - Confront;] +2 Power.
Wrath - Rampage Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: When you defeat an Adversary, you may destroy 1 non-Basic card you control. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Razorclaw Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Power when battling Robots. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Swindle Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: You may scrap 1 Starter in your hand for 1 card in your discard pile. 2 [Combiner - Confront;] +2 Power.
Wrath - Tantrum Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team - Pay 1 Energon: +1 Power. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Vortex Starter Clash of the Combiners 0 1 Team: +1 Power when battling Robots. 2 [Combiner - Confront;] +2 Power.
Wrath - Bonecrusher Starter Dawn of the Dinobots 0 1 Team: When you defeat an Adversary, you may destroy a non-Basic card you control. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Hook Starter Dawn of the Dinobots 0 1 Team +1 Range. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Long Haul Starter Dawn of the Dinobots 0 1 Team: +1 Move. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Mixmaster Starter Dawn of the Dinobots 0 1 Team: You may discard 1 Starter to gain 1 Energon. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Scavenger Starter Dawn of the Dinobots 0 1 Team: Peek at an adjacent card in the Matrix. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Wrath - Scrapper Starter Dawn of the Dinobots 0 1 Team: +1 Power when battling Robots. 2 Combiner - Confront: +2 Power.
Artillery Starter War on Cybertron 0 2 1 1 Confront: +1 Power.
Bold Starter War on Cybertron 0 1 1 Pay 1 less Power the next time you buy a card in your space this turn.
Patch Starter War on Cybertron 0 1 You may return 1 Damage controlled by target character in your space or an adjacent space to the stack. 1 Destroy 1 Starter you control or 1 Damage in your discard pile.
Resupply Starter War on Cybertron 0 1 If you have no Energon, gain 2 Energon. Otherwise, gain 1 Energon.
Scout Starter War on Cybertron 0 1 Flight You may flip a card in an adjacent space faceup.
Chameleon Mesh Technology A Rising Darkness 2 1 Block Avoid the next Ambush you trigger this turn. 1 Put this card on top of your deck.
Rectifier Machine Technology A Rising Darkness 2 2 +1 Power for each Robot you control. 1 Activate the Energon ability of target Robot in the Matrix.
Guided Missile Technology A Rising Darkness 3 4 3 This card's Power may only be used for battling Adversaries. If this card is played during your turn, destroy it at the end of your turn. 1 Assist: Each character in target space gains 1 Damage.
Power Up Technology A Rising Darkness 3 2 You may discard any number of cards. For each card discarded this way, gain 1 Energon. 2 Confront: +2 Power, then destroy 1 random card in your discard pile.
Headmaster Technology A Rising Darkness 4 2 1 Block For each Ally you control, target Robot has +2 Power. 2 Put a Robot from your Vault into your discard pile.
Sonic Sword Technology A Rising Darkness 4 2 +1 Power when battling Adversaries. 2 Confront: +2 Power.
Spacebridge Technology A Rising Darkness 4 1 3 +1 Power for each non-Adversary Robot in the Matrix. 1 Teleport target character to any corner space in the Matrix.
Mirror Response Mode Technology A Rising Darkness 5 Choose 1 card target player control.s This card becomes a copy of that card for the duration of this turn.
Plasma Density Charge Technology A Rising Darkness 5 2 1 You may Attack: Target player destroys 1 card in their hand. If Blocked, destroy this card. 2 Confront: +5 Power and destroy this card at the end of your turn.
Ground Bridge Technology Autobot Core Set 2 1 1 Block: Gain 1 Energon and Teleport to any space. 1 Teleport to any space. Other characters in your space may choose to Teleport with you.
Repair Bay Technology Autobot Core Set 2 1 You may destroy 1 card you control. 1 You may return 1 Damage controlled by any player in your space to the stack.
Energon Drill Technology Autobot Core Set 3 1 Gain 2 Energon. If you are on a Site, gain 3 Energon instead.
Galactic Positioning System Technology Autobot Core Set 3 2 1 Draw 1 card for each Adversary Boss in the Matrix.
Energy Swords Technology Autobot Core Set 4 2 Block: You may pay 2 Energon to keep this card in your hand after Blocking. 1 Assist/Confront: +2 Power.
Teletraan I Technology Autobot Core Set 4 2 Peek at 1 face-down card in the Matrix. 1 You and another player each draw 1 card.
Dropship Technology Autobot Core Set 5 3 You may move target character up to 2 spaces.
Force Dome Technology Autobot Core Set 5 2 2 Block: Draw 1 card. If you Block for another player, gain 1 VP instead. 3 Gain 1 VP.
The Minnow Technology Chaos Unleashed 4 2 1 2
The Revenge Technology Chaos Unleashed 4 2 2 1
Autobot Matrix of Leadership Technology Chaos Unleashed X 2 2
Power Amplifier Technology Clash of the Combiners 3 2 Gain 2 Energon. If you are in Alt Mode, gain 3 Energon instead. 2 Target card (other than this one) you control has +2 Power.
Stormfall Sword Technology Clash of the Combiners 5 3 Confront: +1 Power. 1: Target adversaries in your space gain 1 Damage if they control 2 or fewer Damage.
Circuit Speeders Technology Dawn of the Dinobots 2 1 2 Block You may gain 1 Damage to gain 1 Energon and +2 Move. 1 Confront/Assist: Gain 1 Damage for +2 Power.
T-Cog Device Technology Dawn of the Dinobots 3 2 1 Target character within Range may Convert, ignoring additional costs, penalties, or effects that limit it. 1 Target character within Range flips their character card to the other side.
Kronosphere Technology Dawn of the Dinobots 5 2 2 The next time you flip an Adversary faceup, you may flip it facedown without resolving effects, then reclaim any Move, Energon, or game text you used to Search that space. 2 Confront: Cancel this Confrontation (activate before Assists are resolved).
Pretender Shell Technology Infiltration Protocol 3 2 Block You avoid Ambushes and cannot gain Damage this turn. 1 Return 1 Damage you control to the stack.
High-Voltage Electric Cannon Technology Infiltration Protocol 5 2 1 You may gain X Damage (max 3, drawn) at a time to gain +X Power. If the game ends this turn due to Damage, lose 2 VP. 1 Destroy 1 card you control.
Anti-Personnel Mine Technology War on Cybertron 2 3 Flip a card in an adjacent space faceup. If it's not a Boss or Polity, destroy it, and each character in that space gains 1 Damage. 2 Destroy 1 Adversary Robot in your space, then gain its reward.
Robosmasher Technology War on Cybertron 2 2 1 Block You may buy 1 Adversary Robot this turn. 3 Gain 1 Adversary Robot in your space.
Armor Plating Technology War on Cybertron 3 2 Block Ignore all Damage and Ambush effects on Ruins this turn. 1 Block an Attack, then discard this card.
Cloaking Tech Technology War on Cybertron 3 2 Block: You may discard another card instead of this one. If you do, return this to your hand. Avoid Ambushes this turn. 1 Block a Reveal Attack.
Auxiliary Power Technology War on Cybertron 4 2 Gain 2 Energon. 2 Return up to 2 Damage any player controls to the stack.
Ionic Displacer Rifle Technology War on Cybertron 4 2 2 You may Attack (choose 1 option): Target character within range destroys 1 card of their choice in their discard pile OR gains 1 Damage. If Blocked, discard this card. 1 Assist: +1 Power and +1 Range.
Electro-Scrambler Technology War on Cybertron 5 3 1 You may Attack (choose 1 option): Target character within range discards 1 card of their choice OR gains 2 Damage. If you choose 2 Damage, discard this card. 2 Discard target Assist.
Gideon's Glue Technology War on Cybertron 5 4 This card can only be used to battle. Its Power has the Range of target card you control with Flight. 1 Confront: All characters in target Adversary Boss's space gain 1 Damage.