Relic - Site - Ruin
War on Cybertron (1 copy)
Ongoing: Pay +2 Move to move onto this space. You cannot activate Energon abilities while on this space.
[Pay 5 Power (Range 0):] Clear this Ruin, then place this card in the destroyed pile.
Vault: 4 VP at end of game. Cleared: Gain 6 Energon.
Crystal City is three card types in one: a Relic, a Site, and a Ruin. Any game text that references one of these card types will be relevant to this card as well. The Ongoing effect is only active when the card is faceup in the Matrix. If you buy it, immediately place the card in your Vault. If you clear it instead, gain the reward listed, then destroy the card and place it in the main deck destroyed pile.