Dawn of the Dinobots (1 copy)
Peek at the top X cards of your deck, where X is the number of cards in your hand, then leave them or draw them.
If you draw them, first discard your hand, then every other player must also discard and redraw their hand. Then destroy the top card of the main deck.
Vault: 3 VP at end of game.
If you choose to use this cards ability, activate it as soon as you play it. Count how many cards are left in your hand and then peek at that many cards on the top of your deck (e.g., If you have 3 cards in hand, you can peek at the top 3 cards). If you have less cards in your deck than in your hand, you may only peek at what is currently available.
Once you peek, you must decide to leave the cards there or draw them. If you choose to draw them, you must first discard your cards in hand then put the cards you peeked at in your hand. Now every other player must also discard their entire hand and redraw an equal amount of cards (shuffling their discard pile if necessary). This is not an Attack and cannot be Blocked. Finally, reveal and destroy the top card of the main deck. If its a Boss, place it in the Matrix instead following normal placement rules.