Infiltration Protocol (1 copy)
Ongoing: You may use this as your Assist during a battle. If you do, discard this card at the end of the battle.
Assist: 2 Power at Range 1. This Assist remains faceup and always resolves first.
When bought or gained, put into play.
This Ally must already be in play in order to Assist. To use this card for that purpose, simply declare that this Ally is Assisting instead of playing an Assist, and keep the card faceup. As such, the Power and Range you are providing will be public information. If this Assist is used defensively, it will resolve automatically with any other defensive Assists. Otherwise, if the battle requires at least 1 Assist or if the Active Player controls 1+ Damage, this Assist must be the first offensive Assist resolved. Either way, the card is discarded, even if it is not resolved.