A Rising Darkness (2 copies)
If it's your turn, you may flip an adjacent card facedown, then flip a dfferent adjacent card faceup. If you flipped an Initiative/Scheme facedown, gain 1 Damage.
1 Peek at the top 3 cards of the main deck and then return them in any order.
When played, you may flip a card facedown, including Bosses, Initiatives, Sites, and Robots. When you flip a card facedown, you turn off any effect it had as though the card was not in the Matrix and remove any tokens or Energon from that card as well. If that card is flipped faceup again, its effect is reset as though the card was being revealed for the first time. For example, a Boss would resolve another Reveal Attack and the Ore-13 Refinery would regain all 9 of its Energon. If you flip an Initiative or Scheme facedown, you gain 1 Damage and any cards that were contributed to it are destroyed.