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Beginner Deck - Blaster Aggro
Deck Traits: Autobot Battle Master Ranged Specialist Mini-Cassette Melee
Deck: 40🂠 27★ | Sideboard: 0🂠 0★ Added by Christian Young Modified on Jul 7, '21

Private Firedrive 7★
Ground Command • Artillery
Blaster 10★
Ramhorn 5★
Steeljaw 5★

Regular Actions
2 One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
2 Ramming Speed
3 Supercharge
2 Treasure Hunt
3 Confidence
3 Reckless Charge
1 Quartermaster
3 Fight For Position
1 Mission Briefing
3 Flamethrower
3 Grenade Launcher
3 Erratic Lightning
1 Noble's Blaster
3 Force Field
3 Improvised Shield
1 Scrapper Gauntlets
1 Bashing Shield
1 Holomatter Projector
1 Spy Satellite Uplink
Deck Stats
20 action cards
  20 regular action cards
  0 secret action cards
  0 rolling action cards
20 upgrade cards
  10 weapon cards
  9 armor cards
  1 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
33 icons on 30 cards (75%)
1 icons on 1 cards (3%)
5 icons on 5 cards (13%)
5 icons on 5 cards (13%)
4 icons on 4 cards (10%)
2 icons on 2 cards (5%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 24%
Bashing Shield: 6%
Noble's Blaster: 7%
Holomatter Projector: 6%
Mission Briefing: 6%
Spy Satellite Uplink: 6%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 22 cards
Wave 2: 11 cards
Wave 3: 2 cards
Wave 3A: 3 cards
Wave 4: 3 cards
Wave 5: 3 cards

Notes from Christian Young:
"Blaster is a unique orange deck that can be played. It starts with having the two cassettes that you start the game with start underneath blaster, and when you flip from alt-to bot mode you get to "deploy" or play one of the cassettes under blaster into Bot mode, and can play the top card of your deck. This deck teaches the deploy mechanic the select few of characters can play, as well as the battlemaster mechanic, a small character card that starts the game in bot mode, and doesn't flip until they get ko'd where they turn into a strong weapon that can be put unto any of your characters. Many of the battlecards in this list are staples in other orange decks, so this can be a great first time orange list that can help you build more orange decks down the road. Blaster is also a deck from a structure deck that can still be found online or the pieces can be purchased individually. Other characters that would be a good fit instead of firedrive is Fangry with Kreb, a titan master character that when they get ko'd the head pops out into another character."